Bolt Brush Kit
Jest Paint
Bolt Brush Kit (with or without brush wallet)
Including wallet
Normal price, £103.55, special price £88.99
(approx. 15% discount)
Excluding wallet
Normal price, £93.56, special price £79.99
(approx. 15% discount)
Our Bolt Brushes Brush Kit comes complete with 14 assorted Brushes and Smoothie Blender.
Includes the below brushes Click on individual links below for further brush info.
Brushes are disposable, extending life expectancy of your brushes can be achieved with good care and attention. Dont leave in water and clean with brush soap or cleaner after every use and dry.
To maintain a tight fit of the head of the brush on the handle, do not clean with alcohol or put in boiling water.
Images for guidance, please see above links for individual brushes.
Brush case will normally be plain without any logo's.
If you wish to create your own 14 brush set, please drop us an e mail, we will honour the 15% discount off the total cost.